Started in 1987, RAV has faithfully served Pennsylvania businesses and communities for more than 30 years. Our president, Robert A. Visniski, graduated from Penn State with a degree in Civil Engineering in 1994. RAV specializes in civil engineering and design services for developers, large and small, and municipal engineering services to Pennsylvania communities. We offer practical, knowledgeable advice and design for projects of all sizes.
Contact us for a free estimate.
We provide competent advice and proficient technical design. Can your project look good and function well at the same time? We balance form and function so you get both!
We always have our eye on your schedule. What project-critical item needs to be done first? How can we communicate more clearly to avoid big problems? As the smart man said, "Time is money!"
We scrutinize every detail of every design to cut costs and increase efficiency. Would another design work better and cost less? Your budget is always part of our design process.